About the self-paced Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Online Class
Practice mindful eating at your own pace, in your own space.
Does your schedule, lifestyle, or location make it difficult for you to participate in an in-person Am I Hungry?® mindful eating workshop? Do you prefer to learn at your own pace in a setting that is familiar and comfortable?
The Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Online Class uses the same processes and includes the same great resources and materials you would have in a workshop-but allows you to progress through this life-changing material at a pace that works for you.
You are only eight weeks away from freedom from dieting and overeating. Practice mindful eating at your own pace with our all-inclusive self-paced bundle.
The Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Online Class includes all of this:
- Eight Am I Hungry? Workshop videos – Facilitated by Michelle May, M.D., creator and founder of the Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Program. See real participants discover real solutions to their lifelong eating issues. These are available to you online and can be accessed anywhere, anytime.
- Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: A Mindful Eating Program to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle – the award-winning book by Michelle May, M.D. (You may request a different Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat book if you already have this book. Contact us after you place your order.)
- Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Program Workbook and Awareness Journal – Maximize your results by increasing your awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and choices. In addition to the eight workshops, each chapter includes an overview, action plan, goals, tools, and key questions to apply Am I Hungry? to your own life and seven Awareness Journal pages to record your observations each week.
- Password access to our private Member Portal – Write in your private journal, access our Am I Hungry? Virtual Coach, and use other great tools.
- Mindful Moments – Brief daily inspirational e-mail from Dr. May for 8 weeks to keep you motivated and focused
- Weekly Workshop Summary – Weekly email summarizing the workshop lessons to support your progress
- Shipping and Handling included (US Only)
- BONUS 1: Audio Recordings of all eight workshops – Audio recordings of eight live 90-minute Am I Hungry? workshops with actual participants facilitated by Dr. Michelle May. Download to listen on your MP3 player or listen online.
- BONUS 2: Coaching Session – 30-minute individual coaching session with an Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Coach.

About Am I Hungry? Founder Michelle May, M.D.
Michelle May, M.D. is a recovered yo-yo dieter and the founder of the award-winning Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Programs and Training. Hundreds of health and wellness professionals have been trained to offer Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Programs in their communities, companies, and practices.
Michelle is the award-winning author of “Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: A Mindful Eating Program to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle,” “Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat for Binge Eating,” “Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes,” and “Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Program for Bariatric Surgery.”
As an inspirational speaker and author, Michelle’s passion, insight, and humor stem from her own personal struggles with food. Michelle shares her compelling message and constructive keynotes with audiences around the world. Her goal is to empower individuals to resolve mindless and emotional eating to live the vibrant life they crave.