Don’t just take our word for it!
Here’s what a few participants have said about Am I Hungry? mindful eating programs. Learn more about bringing mindful eating to your organization.
“I am forever changed in my relationship with food. I have power and control to make the best choices for me, not feel deprived, and no more restriction equals FREEDOM! I will never be ‘on’ a diet again! I intend to continue with the principles I learned in this program.” – City of Mesa Participant
“This experience has been an eye-opener!” – Florida Blue Participant
“By far the best program I have experienced in my 30+ years of professional dieting. Mindful eating is the key I was missing all along. I love the freedom of making my own choices with all foods.”
– Florida Blue Participant, St. John’s Board of County Commissioners
“Love this program!!! I was on the path to weight loss surgery… Thank you so much for offering this and choosing me to participate! I have really enjoyed this and have felt so good since implementing these resources… I have a renewed love for myself and food! Thinking and asking myself am I hungry and waiting on my body to respond for food or water. I am so happy and I feel great! Food is NOT the enemy; moderation is the key!!!
– Sandra P., Online Mindful Eating Program participant (large health plan)
“I felt like a victim of my emotional overeating but this program helped me identify the whys of these behavioral patterns and get to their roots so I could start creating new patterns that enable me to live a healthier lifestyle where I am in charge. Thank you for teaching the course and sharing this helpful information!” – City of Mesa Participant
“This program is different and more valuable…the response to the workshop has been extremely favorable. 100% of the participants said the workshop was professional, well-organized, informative, and interesting. It was easy to set up and cost effective for participants.”
– Florida Blue Wellness Lead, Eckerd College
As a lifelong overeater and yo-yo dieter, I’m now 6 months into the healing process of mindful eating and living. I joined the Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating program at work. The facilitator was so positive and encouraging; I learned ALOT about nutrition and exercise, but more about myself. This has literally given me a way back to a healthier, more satisfying life when I thought none existed. This program is invaluable!
– Cathy M., Atlantic Health System
“The Am I Hungry? Workshop series was very enjoyable and eye-opening. Each week’s session was very informative and motivating and I eagerly looked forward to attending each one of them.”
– Florida Blue Participant
“This is a very worthwhile program that teaches an intuitive but revolutionary approach to eating (listening to your body), with a focus on making physical activity fun (not a chore or punishment) and making healthy food choices that make you feel good (during and after eating).”
– Participant, HCSC
“This was the BEST program that I have participated in at work. I learned a lot about myself and skills to live, eat and manage my life.”
– Participant, HCSC
“Am I Hungry? is a ‘getting healthy program.’ I used to eat unconsciously, grabbing a handful of this and a handful of that. I could eat a whole tub of popcorn, barely tasting it. Now I eat a few kernels and actually notice that it tastes great. That may be enough. There is no such thing as perfect. At restaurants, I can order whatever I want but I eat only half because I notice when I’m full. I really appreciate what Am I Hungry? has done for me and my family.”
– Affinity Medical Group Participant
“Diets have been failing me for decades but this is effective beyond anything else I have ever attempted. Restriction and rules make me want to rebel which sets me up for failure. I feel certain other people have this same type of challenge and would benefit from this program.”
– Participant, HCSC
“I think learning to be in charge of my life has become important. I was drowning in my life situations but if I am in charge I make my own destination and not let the situations control me. It has given me a lot of food for thought. Thank you.” – Linda, Online Mindful Eating Program Participant, Large Health Plan
“I was programmed to eat everything on my plate. The lessons I learned (from AIH) are fairly simple but this time they stuck. The class taught me how to eat less. Now when we go out to a restaurant, I only eat about half. I’ve taken up golf and I keep pretty busy. It’s a lifestyle for me now.”
– Don, Affinity Medical Group Participant
“I really have become more mindful about food/drink choices, stress relief and exercise choices. We went hiking as a family this weekend. Our college age kids were thrilled and for the first time, so was I.”
– Marilyn, Valley West Hospital Employee
“Am I Hungry? is by far the most enlightening, thought provoking, forward thinking education about eating. By listening to my body and understanding its needs, I have been able to enjoy eating and exercising without feeling restricted or punished. My whole outlook is brighter!”
– Participant, HCSC
“I’ve followed the latest news and diet plans. I was told to eat more veggies and fruit, eat less, eat low fat, eat low carb, high fiber, etc. It was overwhelming. I tried Atkins but gained it all back. I tried Weight Watchers and counted everything, but I cheated. In the first two weeks of Am I Hungry?, I realized that I am an emotional, mindless eater. I was totally out of tune with what my body was telling me. I would eat at social gatherings because food was available or because it was time. I’d eat to celebrate and when sad, bored, or angry. This course has already changed my life and my relationship with food. Finding out that food was a substitute for other things was not surprising to me, but dealing with it and taking action had been the obstacle. This course is teaching me what I need. There are no restrictions; it’s not a diet. It’s about listening to your body and eating when you are truly hungry. What a concept! It’s about being mindful and addressing the issues. It teaches you to be gentle with yourself, not guilty There are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn and grow. I am surprised at how easy and rewarding it is to find something so simple, yet so important to change my way of thinking. I highly recommend it!”
– Karen C., Meriter Laboratories
Florida Blue Pilot Study: 322 employees at 22 sites
Completion rate: 72%
Satisfaction: 95% said “Yes, I would I do it over again.”
Behavior Change:
- Eating – 85% said “I am eating more healthfully than before”
- Activity – 69% said “I have significantly increased my activity”
- Lifestyle management – 97% said “I will continue to use these skills”