Before every action, there’s a fleeting moment that holds the power of choice. When you pause to check in, perhaps with a body-mind-heart scan, you can choose your next action. Read on to learn how to identify and access the power of the pause.
The power of the pause
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ― Viktor E. Frankl
Between every thought and action, there is a gap. That gap holds the power to move you from reaction to response. And that can change everything about the way you manage your eating!
In order to access the power in the gap, pause.
Think about it. When you don’t pause to consider what is happening in the present moment and instead, react mindlessly, your brain has no choice but to re-act―in other words, to repeat past actions.
No wonder you keep getting the same results!
Enter the pause
A lot of us spend most of our lives in autopilot mode. Like one of those perpetual motion toys, just push start and off we go bouncing from one thing to the next without thinking about why we are doing the things we do. Not until afterward anyway.
The most challenging part is the most simple: Remembering to pause.
Maybe you’re in autopilot mode right now.
Let’s try in now: Pause.
Take a slow, deep breath. Feel your chest and belly expand as your lungs fill with life-giving air. Exhale.
Inhale and exhale again. This time, listen. Look. See. Feel.
Notice everything around you as if it were for the first time. Because the truth is, you are experiencing this moment for the first—and the last—time.
(Read more about Beginner’s Mind.)
When you did this little exercise, what did you notice that you weren’t aware of even a few moments earlier? What did you hear that you hadn’t noticed before? What in your surroundings did you see for the first time today?
I’ll bet you were surprised. Isn’t it amazing how much new information you discovered in that brief pause?
Pause before eating
Now imagine this scenario: You’re watching television and you suddenly feel like heading to the kitchen to find something to eat.
Instead of just acting on autopilot, remember to pause. In addition to the desire to eat, notice what else is happening right now. Think back to the exercise you just did… What other information is available to help you decide what to do next?
Body-Mind-Heart Scan
One of the many essential skills we teach in the Eat What You Love Love What You Eat book series is the Body-Mind-Heart Scan.
This skill is particularly valuable when you feel like eating but aren’t sure whether it’s from physical hunger or head hunger. When you take a moment to pause to become fully present and mindful, you can better identify your true needs.
If possible, close your eyes for a moment to decrease external distractions. Take a few deep breaths and calm yourself. Be aware that being near food or thinking about eating might cause you to feel excited or anxious, making it more difficult to identify the signs of hunger. By taking a few calming breaths first, you’ll reconnect your body and mind, making it easier to focus on important sensations and feelings.
In your mind’s eye, scan your body from head to toe.
- What physical sensations are you aware of? Are you thirsty or tired? Are you aware of any tension, discomfort, or pain? Does your body feel good?
- Ask yourself, “Am I hungry?“ Connect with your body by placing your hand on your upper abdomen, just below your rib cage.
- Picture your stomach. Are there pangs or gnawing sensations? Is there any growling or rumbling? Think of a balloon and try to imagine how full it is. When empty, your stomach is about the size of your fist and can stretch several times that size when full. Does your stomach feel empty, full, or even stuffed? Perhaps you don’t feel your stomach at all.
- Notice other physical sensations. Do you feel edgy, light-headed, or weak? Are these signals coming from hunger, low blood sugar, or something else? This is a great opportunity to become mindful of your body’s signals and reconnect with your inner self.
Notice what you’re thinking without judgment. Your thoughts may give you clues about whether or not you’re physically hungry.
For example, if you’re thinking something like, “It’s been three hours since lunch, so I should be hungry,” or “I might not have time to eat later,” you may be looking for a reason to eat.
If you find yourself rationalizing or justifying what you’re about to eat, it may indicate you aren’t hungry. (Another possibility is that you’re hungry, but struggle with restrictive eating. Read more about Fearless Eating.)
What emotions are you experiencing now? What feelings are you aware of? When you pause to become aware of your emotions, you’re better able to explore whether they are affecting your desire to eat―and even what or how much you want to eat.
Be curious! Like any new skill, the Body-Mind-Heart Scan becomes more natural with practice. The key is to pause and discover the power in this present moment!
(This article has been updated from a previously published version.)
Enjoyed this article? Here are three more to help you:
A common but often unrecognized trigger for overeating.
How to stop using exercise as a punishment for eating.
2 thoughts on “The Power of the Pause: Body-Mind-Heart Scan”
I am about half-way through your book. I am a Diabetic so I am always interested in reading about things that could help me. I thoroughly love your book. You have made some excellent points about Why we eat, etc., and I agree with what you have said. It has caused me to re-think about my own personal eating habits. I am learning to “slow down” and think before I eat. I realize that I do not have to eat as much as I “think” I need. Thank you so much I can’t wait to finish reading it. I also plan to re-read it to get it “into my head.” I do not want to forget what you have said.
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