Interestingly enough, I’ve experienced some unexpected outcomes from mindful eating. For example, we’ve narrowed our restaurant selections. My husband pretty much lets me decide where to go to eat when we eat out. And I have to admit, I’m really glad about that. However, since I’ve been eating more mindfully over the past year, I find that I’m much more selective. Because now when I ask myself, “What do I want?”, I find myself answering with, “Well, I don’t really want to go there because it just wasn’t as good as I remember/expected/hoped.”
It isn’t that I wouldn’t eat at those restaurants again, but when I have a choice, I’d prefer a more quality meal, or to eat at home. So, either the quality of the food at many restaurants in our area is suddenly degrading, or I’m paying more attention, learning my real preferences and would prefer not to settle. I’m quite certain it is the latter. But, I never expected that. This is even saving us some money. Who knew?