Introducing young adults to mindful eating as they establish independence and/or begin their careers in health and wellness professions has a huge impact on their personal lives and the lives of those they interact with in the future!
The Mindful Eating for Students course, adapted from the Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Program, provides students with a flexible, non-diet, mindfulness-based approach to eating, physical activity, and self-care. During the class students explore the six crucial decision points in the Mindful Eating Cycle and develop sustainable skills for effective self-care and lifestyle management that they can apply personally and professionally.
Comprehensive training to offer a mindful eating college course
Mindful Eating for Students Instructor Training is a self-paced online training that provides a flexible course curriculum, detailed Instructor Guide, materials, assignments, training, and support to enable faculty at colleges and universities (and in some cases, high schools) to offer a comprehensive Mindful Eating course.
Mindful Eating for Students Course Format
The format of the Mindful Eating for Students class is intentionally flexible to allow faculty in a variety of settings to adapt the course to meet their students’ and institution’s needs. Here are some examples:
- Credits: May be offered for 0, 1, 2, or 3 credit hours.
- Length: This course may be offered as a full semester, quarter, or summer school.
- Format: In person, online, or hybrid.
- Level: May meet (or be adapted to meet) the requirements for personal development/health for general studies credits and/or as part of a health professional curriculum.
- Departments: May be offered in myriad departments such as psychology, nutrition, nursing, exercise, wellness, integrative medicine, etc.
- Research: Opportunities available and project welcome.
- Other: Please contact us to discuss your suggestions or needs.
Mindful Eating for Students Instructor Training Information
Instructor Training Online
Facilitator: Michelle May, M.D.
Dates: Flexible, self-paced, online training
Training Materials:
- Paperback copy of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat for Students
- Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating for Students Instructors Guide with detailed lesson plans and assignment ideas
- Complete PowerPoint slide sets
- Course syllabus and marketing materials
- Password access to Member Portal and Forum
Details: Download a detailed Mindful Eating for Students Instructor Training information packet from the right sidebar. It includes program background, learner outcomes, brief syllabus, training schedule, requirements, FAQs, continuing education, research opportunities, registration links, and more.