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Second key to lasting change

Michelle May


In my last blog post and video, I talked about how easy it is to stay stuck in the habit of doing something even when it’s not working for you. That’s because of TFAR: your thoughts lead to certain feelings, which cause you to act a certain way, leading to results that confirm your initial thoughts. Over time, those thoughts become beliefs that fuel your habits.

I also explained how changing your initial thoughts changes everything that follows. It helps you move away from old habits into new, more effective ones.

Now in this video, I want to circle back and explain what this has to do with your resolutions and how you can make real lasting change this year.

As I mentioned in the video, in order to make lasting change, you need more than resolutions or goals – you need a guiding intention. Your intention will help you make effective choices here and now, rather than postponing your life until you reach some arbitrary goal.

Learning and exploring all this is a lot to do on your own, so I also told you a little about our Mindful Eating Support Community where you’ll get the support you need as you change your thoughts, beliefs, and habits.

You can read about all the details here, but for now, consider what you want as your guiding intention for the year. Please share it this blog post or on Facebook.


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24 thoughts on “Second key to lasting change”

  1. My intention for the next few months is to ask myself each time I think about eating is to ask myself if I am hungry. I completed the Mindful Eating class last fall and it was very satisfying and successful for me. Now I have the challenge of continuing without the support of the class.

    1. Nancy, that is a great intention! Asking “Am I hungry?” will help you stay mindful of your physical, emotional, and environmental triggers for eating. We’ll be opening our Mindful Eating Support Community to new members soon. It is an awesome, engaged community of people working on these skills. You would be a good candidate for Level 3 – I hope you’ll consider joining us!

  2. I honestly just want to learn to be at peace with food. I am tired of the guilt, I’m tired of feeling compelled and powerless, I’m tired of obsessing about my body image. I feel fully ready to embrace a different way because the methods I’ve tried countless times in the past have not worked. I don’t want to simply change my behavior. I want to change my heart and mind, I’m ready and enthusiastic about learning and changing to achieve a happier, more peaceful, more fulfilling life.

    1. This is so awesome Sara! Have you heard the saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears?” Watch for our next email and video (we’ll be opening our Mindful Eating Support Community for just a few days!).

  3. Are you books in audio, CD version? I’d like to listen to them on my 1 hour commute to work. Also, I have a difficult time reading. Thank you.

  4. I am going to buy the book on Audible and listen to it. I need connection and inspiration to go on this journey, even though I am 72 years old, I need to take care of my health as I am diabetic and have hip and leg problems.

    1. You are NEVER too old to heal your relationship with food and your body Monalea! We can help you with support along your journey… check out our Mindful Eating Support Community!

  5. I used to be a very picky eater. And a dieter.
    I bought several of your books. My favorite is the Diabetes one.
    I didn’t want the disease, so I bought that book to help prevent it.
    Your work is truly beautiful.
    My intention for the year is to begin to let go of all the food noise and trust myself.
    Thank you very much for you blog posts, too!

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