Mindful Eating Programs and Training

Mindful Eating Programs and Training

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When you attend holiday office parties on a diet, it seems like there are only two options: stick rigidly to your diet or decide to take a day off and indulge. Neither option is particularly appealing.
What Am I Hungry? Program participants get to do is dig down below the surface to identify and take charge of the thoughts, beliefs, feelings and habits that ultimately lead to their choices. They gradually make changes on the inside first, so the changes they make later on the outside will last.
it can be hard to ignore the call of those brightly colored bags of candy. This is especially true if you trick yourself, saying it’s for the kids when it’s really for you. If you’ve deprived yourself of all things sweet, cravings for candy only grow stronger.
The weight-neutral approach acknowledges that body weight is determined by a complex set of genetic, metabolic, physiological, cultural, social, and behavioral determinants, many of which individuals cannot change. Instead of focusing on a weight-oriented outcome, participants in weight-neutral programs are taught to take charge of the factors they can, such as thoughts and behaviors, which ultimately lead to improved well-being, regardless of weight.