Mindful Eating Programs and Training

Mindful Eating Programs and Training

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Mindful Eating for Pre Diabetes and Diabetes

Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes: A Mindful Eating Program for Thriving with Prediabetes or Diabetes

Michelle May, M.D. and Megrette Fletcher, M.Ed., RD, CDCES

SECOND EDITION! Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes: A Mindful Eating Program for Thriving with Prediabetes or Diabetes builds on the Mindful Eating Cycle and other principles to help readers with prediabetes or diabetes reduce their anxiety about diabetes self-management. Even people with diabetes can eat what they love, using awareness and intention to guide them.

Am I Hungry? Motivational Companion Cards

Michelle May, M.D.

Replacing old, habitual, ineffective thoughts and behaviors takes practice. These 52 cards will help you create new, powerful pathways in your brain by putting Am I Hungry? mindful eating tools, skills, and inspiration right at your fingertips!

Am I Hungry Mindful Eating app

Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Virtual Coach App

Michelle May, M.D.

The Am I Hungry?® Virtual Coach was designed to help you end futile restrictive dieting and resolve mindless and emotional eating. Designed and developed by founder Michelle May, M.D., this app will guide you through the Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating Cycle. It is a powerful tool for making more mindful decisions so you are in charge of every decision without having to resort to rules and restrictions.


Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating for Diabetes Online Class

Does your schedule, lifestyle, or location make it difficult for you to participate in diabetes education? Do you need a diabetes management tune-up? Does managing your diabetes feel like a diet instead of a flexible, enjoyable, healthy lifestyle? Do you prefer to learn at your own pace in a setting that is familiar and comfortable?