The 3rd activity in the Am I Hungry? 7-day Mindful Self-Care Challenge is Mindful Eating.
Despite our remarkable ability to multitask, the truth is, our brain can only fully focus on one thing at a time. When we eat and drive, work, read, or watch TV, something has to go on autopilot. Most of the time, it will be eating!
If you’ve ever felt stuffed but unsatisfied after eating, chances are you’ve experienced this phenomenon.
Mindful Eating: Love what you eat!
The purpose of this activity is to bring your full awareness—body, mind, heart, and spirit—to the act of consuming a piece of fresh fruit, step-by-step. In other words, love what you eat!
- When you’re hungry for a snack, select a piece of fresh fruit by noticing the color, texture, and aroma.
- If needed, wash it carefully, feeling the water and watching it cascade over your hand and the surface of your fruit.
- If necessary, peel it and cut it into bite-sized pieces, paying attention to the movement of your hands, and the textures and aroma of the fruit as you do.
Place your fruit on a small attractive plate or napkin.
- Find a calm, quiet, pleasant place to sit.
- Close your eyes for a moment and connect with your breath.
- Simply feel yourself breathing for a few moments, consciously choosing calmness.
- When you’re ready, open your eyes, pick up one piece of your fruit with your fingers, and look at it closely, using beginners mind.
- Notice the colors, textures, patterns, and reflection of light. Allow yourself to be awed by the beauty and complexity of this simple snack.
- As you bring it slowly up to your nose and mouth, notice the effortless movement of your hand and arm. You may even be aware that you are salivating.
- Pause for a moment to smell the aromas.
- Place the piece of fruit on your tongue and observe its weight, texture, and taste. Are you aware of sweetness, sourness, or bitterness?
- Now move it around your mouth, exploring the surface of the fruit.
- When you’re ready, slowly bite down, listening and feeling as the fruit releases small packets of juice.
- As you slowly chew, allow your taste buds to become fully saturated with the fruit.
- Continue to breathe, bringing the aromas up into the back of your nose. It is the combination of taste and aroma that give you the unique flavor of this piece of fruit.
- When you have fully experienced that bite, swallow mindfully, aware that the fruit now fills a small space in your stomach.
- Pause before your next bite and notice that the flavor lingers.
- Slowly finish your fruit this way. When you notice yourself becoming distracted or eating quickly, gently bring your awareness back to savoring this fruit, in this moment.
- When you are done, express gratitude for your snack and your ability to enjoy it.
Based on Chapter 6 of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat.
This article has been updated from a previously published version.
Enjoyed this article? Here are three more that you might find helpful:
Sensuous Eating: Make eating a multisensory experience
Eating Speed Bumps: How to slow down to think as you eat
Eating with My Phone or Laptop