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Mindful Self-Care Challenge 2: Mindful Movement

Michelle May


The 2nd activity in the Am I Hungry? 7-day Mindful Self-Care Challenge is Mindful Movement.

For many people who have struggled with the eat-repent-repeat cycle, exercise feels like punishment for eating!

mindful-movementMoving mindfully—in other words, choosing and doing physical activity with intention and attention—helps you discover what inspires, challenges, and rewards you so you’ll love what you do!

Becoming more attentive helps you appreciate the privilege of moving your body and allows you to experience the joy of being fully present in the moment. In this way, exercise is no longer a means to an end but an end in and of itself.

Making time to move your body—walking, dancing, stretching, something new—is an essential act of self-care.

Using the opportunity to tune into the present moment makes it mindful!

Move with intention:

Be purposeful when you choose your activities.

  • Choose activities that suit your personality and mood.
  • Choose activities that meet your body’s physical needs.
  • Move with the goal of feeling better when you’re finished.

Move with attention:

Be attentive during your activities.

  • Become aware of your surroundings, physical sensations, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Listen to your body’s cues of intensity, discomfort, and fatigue.
  • Appreciate your body’s stamina, flexibility, and strength.

You’ll find many specific methods to experiment with for increasing mindfulness in your activities in the Mindful Movement section of chapter 24 of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat.

Mindful Movement: Body-Mind-Heart Scan

Become centered

Tune into the experience and become aware of your body and your surroundings. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, aromas, weather, and other people in your environment.

Focus on your physical sensations

Connect with your body. Tune into your breath, your heart rate, and other sensations. How does your body feel as you move? How do different activities and intensities feel? What do you need to do to make it more comfortable, challenging, or enjoyable?

Focus on your thoughts

What thoughts are running through your mind? What feelings are your thoughts creating? How are your thoughts affecting your experience with this activity?

Focus on your feelings

Become aware of your emotions. What feelings do you have about being active? Are you having fun or feeling punished? Are you enjoying the atmosphere, the other people, and the experience?

When you move with the intention of caring for yourself, you’ll choose activities that you find enjoyable while still challenging. When you’re attentive, you’ll appreciate your body’s incredible capacity to move.

Bring your full awareness to your physical activity this week to experience the power of mindfulness.

(From chapter 24 of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat.)

This article has been updated from a previously published version.

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How to Stop Using Exercise as Punishment for Eating

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2 thoughts on “Mindful Self-Care Challenge 2: Mindful Movement”

  1. I’ve noticed that as I become mindful of my thought, and intentionally run positive dialogue instead of negative self defeating dialogue, I stand taller and move more freely. Breathing is deeper and cleansing, not shallow and stale. Nice reminder!

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