Mindful Eating Programs and Training

Mindful Eating Programs and Training

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Mindful Eating Articles


Mindful Eating Articles and Vibrant Living Tips Right at Your Fingertips!

Diets temporarily treat symptoms, not causes; diets temporarily change behaviors, not the source of those behaviors. The "treatment" paradigm is flawed, yet so pervasive that millions of people are trapped in outdated beliefs and behaviors, despite all of the evidence that it's not moving the majority toward healthier, happier, more vibrant lives.
Words are very powerful. The three words, “I can’t have,” (and the related words, “I’m not allowed to have”) have the power to backfire by triggering deprivation, cravings, rebellion, and the eat-repent-repeat cycle.
With all the diet-hype, it is difficult to cultivate your attention and maintain your intention to make healing your relationship with food the priority over temporarily losing a few pounds.

Free Mindful Eating Guide

101 Things to Do Besides Eat​

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