The 5th activity in the Am I Hungry? 7-day Mindful Self-Care Challenge is A Mindful Bath for Stress Relief.
When you hear “self-care,” a bubble bath might be the first thing that pops into your mind! While self-care is much more than that, this activity IS a mindful bath!
When you’re experiencing stress, your impulse might be to power through, freak out, or stick your head in the sand (procrastinating, eating, drinking–you get the idea). As we’ve all noticed, behaviors such as busyness, overworking, smoking, overeating, drinking alcohol to excess, isolation, and taking our frustration out on others, only perpetuate the stress reaction.
The intention for this activity is to release stress and tension by creating an opportunity to relax your body and your mind.
Mindful bath to relieve stress
- Schedule uninterrupted time for this meditation. Save reading or watching TV for another time; this experience is all about sensory awareness and relaxation.
Listen to the splashing as you run the water in your bath tub.
- Add your favorite bubbles, salts, and/or oils. Pay attention as the aromas fill the room.
- Light candles (the more the better!) and notice the calming glow and flickering.
- If you’d like, add soothing music to enhance the relaxing experience.
- Have a clean, fluffy towel waiting for you when you get out.
- Enter the water, and rest your back on the side of the bath tub. You may want to place a washcloth or towel behind your back to make you more comfortable.
- Begin breathing deeply, observing the air moving in and out of your body.
- Wiggle your toes in the water and feel the sensation of the warm liquid and bubbles touching your skin.
- Observe any tension you feel in your body and release it into the warm bath water.
- Thoughts may arise as you practice this meditation. Observe them briefly without judgment, then allow them to float away.
- When you are ready to end this meditation, move slowly and mindfully as you dry your skin and apply an aromatic lotion.
- Go to bed or calmly re-enter your life, carrying the relaxation with you.
- Decide whether you would like to treat yourself to this personal spa experience on a consistent schedule.
Reflect on the experience
When is the last time you gave yourself permission to relax and let go of stress? What activities bring you a sense of mental clarity and well-being? Where can you create more space in your life for self-care time?
(This is based on chapter 8 of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat.)
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