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Life after Bariatric Surgery: What I’ve Lost

Jeff Butts

Jeff butts What I've Lost - smPeople who know me say I’m always looking on the bright side of things and putting a positive spin on life. However, today I’m talking about loss. Just kidding! I’m talking about loss in a positive way.

I know that bariatric surgery is a controversial topic for some. Even at 643 pounds, having bariatric surgery was a difficult decision for me.

But getting around was a major chore! I went to work every day but getting there was really tough. Heck, just getting up and getting moving in the morning was a challenge. In this picture, the two walkers on the right are from my bedroom so I always had one within reach. The canes were beside my chair, just for getting up and getting going. On the far left are the remnants of my hand controls from my minivan. Not pictured are the extra-long nail clippers, lawn chair, CPAP machine…and the list goes on. In many ways, these are some of my most important “losses”!

It’s amazing what I put up with, how much suffering I allowed in my life, and how I managed to lie to myself about my quality of life. The final straw came when I couldn’t find a power scooter that was large enough for me but could fit through my door. Now, six and a half years out from my bariatric surgery, it’s sometimes hard to remember those days. I wasn’t living, I was merely surviving.

Never forget how far you’ve come! Give yourself credit, celebrate every day, and rejoice in your NSV’s (Non-Scale-Victories). It’s not about some meaningless number on another hunk of steel. For me, life after bariatric surgery is about doing all the things I love, anytime I want to do them!




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