Mindful Eating Programs and Training

Mindful Eating Programs and Training

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Diabetes and Mindful Eating Resources for Health Professionals

Michelle May

Am I Hungry? provides diabetes and mindful eating resources for health professionals to share mindful eating concepts with your patients with prediabetes or diabetes.

Chapter 1: Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes

Eat-What-You-Love-Love-What-You-Eat-with-DiabetesEat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes (Second Edition), is a non-restrictive, weight-neutral, mindfulness-based approach to living vibrantly with diabetes or prediabetes. The book uses the structure of the Am I Hungry?® Mindful Eating Cycle, a unique awareness and decision-making tool that makes it simple to learn mindful eating skills. It is a great resource for health professionals, individuals, and groups wishing to apply mindful eating concepts to diabetes self-management.

NOTE: Please ensure your patients purchase the second edition (it has a copyright date of 2020 on the title page).

Download chapter 1 FREE: www.amihungry.com/diabetes-chapter1

The following resources are described in and/or based on Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes: A Mindful Eating Program to Thrive with Prediabetes or Diabetes.

The Mindful Eating Cycle

Mindful Meal Planning

We designed the Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes Plate to help people with diabetes apply MyPlate tools. The key difference is that we put foods that contain a significant amount of carbohydrate (grains and starchy vegetables, fruit, and dairy, sweets and desserts) in the upper right quadrant of the graphic.

Download Eat What You Love Love What You Eat with Diabetes Plate with Tips

Fearless Blood Glucose Monitoring Log

7-day-Fearless-Blood-Glucose-LogMonitoring blood glucose results with curiosity rather than fear and judgment can unlock many mysteries surrounding diabetes. This Seven Day Fearless Glucose Log is a convenient way for your clients to jot down their hunger and fullness levels, blood glucose results, and notes about what they ate, any physical activity, or other factors that may influence their blood sugar.

Download 7DayFearlessGlucoseLog

Diabetes Care Card

Wallet-sized card to track important diabetes tests and monitoring, as described in Chapter 14 of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat with Diabetes: Staying Healthy.

Download Diabetes Care Card for your printer

Mindful Eating for Prediabetes and Diabetes Training

Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating for Prediabetes and Diabetes Facilitator Training will prepare you to offer a comprehensive weight-neutral mindful eating and diabetes education curriculum. This six session program incorporates the AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors™.

Click here to learn more.

Am I Hungry? Articles

This series of complimentary, one-page, ready-to-reprint-or-post mindful eating articles and companion graphics for health and wellness professionals are perfect for your:

  • Health, nutrition, and fitness e-zines,  blogs, and websites
  • Company newsletters (online and print)
  • Patient education handouts
  • Newspapers or magazines
  • In-person or online support groups

Click here to download.


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Your journey is unique so we provide options to explore mindful eating in a way that meets your needs.