Weight Loss and Diabetes
Weight loss is not the goal of diabetes self-management. The goal is to manage your blood sugars to allow you to live a full and vibrant life.
Weight loss is not the goal of diabetes self-management. The goal is to manage your blood sugars to allow you to live a full and vibrant life.
I didn’t want to ask whether I was hungry because if I did, I thought I wouldn’t get to eat the chocolate cake I want right now!
As a diabetes educator and dietitian, every day people ask me, What do I eat? My answer isn’t a long list of dos and donts!
Discover simple steps for getting out of autopilot. Mindful eating and diabetes self-management work beautifully together!
Before you eat, use the power of a pause to notice why you want to eat. Between your thoughts and actions is a gap that can move you out of autopilot.
Mindful eating has captured the attention of people with diabetes who crave an alternative to conventional restrictive approaches to diabetes management.
When you’re “not allowed” to eat foods you love, you may develop feelings of restriction and deprivation which lead to powerful cravings and overeating.
Coping with environmental and emotional triggers on top of holiday eating and stress can feel overwhelming. Here’s a recipe for mindful eating.
Take this Exercise Personality quiz to identify your unique exercise personality traits to find physical activity that you will enjoy and stick to!
Many people wonder if they should eat snacks or can eat desserts with diabetes. The Mindful Eating Cycle puts you in charge of these decisions.