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Am I Addicted to Food?

Michelle May

Am I addicted to food

“Am I addicted to food?” This question gives voice to a common fear among people who are stuck in the eat-repent-repeat cycle.*

The concept of food addiction is controversial – but more important, it is counter-productive. I know that people experience feelings of powerlessness over food. However, believing those feelings are a result of addiction leads to only one option: restriction and avoidance. Abstinence works for alcohol but food cannot be avoided.

Choosing to limit the exposure to “addictive foods” is helpful at first, but ironically most people discover that restricting the foods they really love only makes the desire for those foods grow stronger.

As the cravings intensify, the feelings of powerlessness increase, not decrease.

Further, trying to avoid all of the supposed “addictive” ingredients just distracts us from recognizing the underlying drivers for eating in the first place. Restrictive eating replaces overeating.

My observation is that some of what feels like addiction is the belief that a food is “bad” or we are “bad” for wanting or eating it. We experience guilt or shame, perhaps resorting to secret eating. The thought, “I shouldn’t be doing this! I’m out of control!” is followed by another thought, “Might as well eat it all, for tomorrow I’m going back on my diet!”

The other main driver for this addictive-feeling spiral is the desire to eat food we like in order to avoid or suppress something we don’t like. When we eat for reasons other than hunger, the satisfaction (or numbness) is short-lived. The underlying trigger is still present, and thus the cycle continues.

Without a doubt, the eat-repent-repeat cycle can be resolved – but calling it addiction takes away the power to change and prevents us from learning to use food in an enjoyable, moderate way. I know without a doubt that mindful eating CAN help people relearn to eat what they love and love what they eat – and deal with their other triggers in more effective ways. The problem is that most people who suffer don’t even realize that there is another option besides abstinence!

What if you have an “eating addiction”?

Some experts have proposed a shift to “eating addiction” rather than food addiction to focus on the behavioral component rather than the food itself. I still have difficulty with the term “addiction” but for the moment, let’s assume that eating has addictive qualities for some people.

Can mindful eating help with an eating addiction?

Absolutely! In the article, How to Break Free of the Addictive Fix, Elisha Goldstein, PhD writes about using mindfulness to address addiction. The article quotes Viktor Frankl, respected Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor:

“Between a stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Whenever you feel like eating and pause to ask, “Am I hungry?“, you are creating space between wanting to eat (the stimulus) and starting to eat (the response). In that space is the possibility for awareness about why you want to eat. If you’re not hungry and pause to ask “What are my options?“, you are giving yourself the power to choose your response.Therein lies your opportunity for growth and freedom.

Whether food is addictive is the question. Either way, mindful eating is the answer.

* What is the eat-repent-repeat cycle? Download chapter one FREE to find out! Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: A Mindful Eating Program to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle

This article is updated from a previous version.

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How to Decode Emotional Eating

The Hidden Trigger for Emotional Eating

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