Lisa’s Story: Self Care Coach
Lisa eventually realized that restrictive dieting and punitive exercise isn’t the answer because although it might give temporary results, it doesn’t last.
Lisa eventually realized that restrictive dieting and punitive exercise isn’t the answer because although it might give temporary results, it doesn’t last.
“I’ve loved food from a young age! My mother was a fabulous Southern cook and growing up, I spent countless wonderful hours in the kitchen with her learning how to cook. My memories of my early experiences with food are very happy ones. And I was so healthy! Honestly, I never had a problem with …
At 5’11” and slender, Jeannette was known as Twiggy throughout high school. “I know now that I truly ate instinctively and had very high energy. I danced, played volleyball, and swam,” Jeannette explained. From Instinctive Eating to Overeating and Ashamed “I remember the moment I began my struggle with emotional eating. I received some very traumatic …
Jeannette’s Story: Emotional Eating: The Missing Puzzle Piece Read More »
At the advice of his doctor, Don decided to take the Am I Hungry?® Workshop offered by Affinity Medical Group to get better control over his diabetes. “I didn’t take the class to lose weight but to change my lifestyle. Weight loss just happened to be one of the benefits.”