Mindful Eating Programs and Training

Mindful Eating Programs and Training

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Workplace Wellness Training

Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating for Workplace Wellness Training

Bring Mindful Eating to Your Workplace

The Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating for Workplace Wellness program is ideal for corporate wellness programs with a focus on building sustainable healthy lifestyles. We offer corporate licensing and facilitator training to bring this life-changing approach to your worksite wellness program.

Convenient Training, Comprehensive Tools

Am I Hungry? Mindful Eating for Workplace Wellness Facilitator or Coach Training will give you the skills, tools, and confidence to offer mindful eating workshops and/or coaching in your company-large or small, onsite or virtual!
Our training program is online, on your schedule, and at your own pace so it is flexible and convenient!
Learn more about Mindful Eating for Workplace Wellness Facilitator and Coach Training…