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Let There Be Peace with Food

Michelle May

Let there be peace with food

Peace on earth may feel like an elusive fantasy these days. Along with all the other angst in the world, many people could use more peace with food.

Think about it… How often do you hear or think these aggressive phrases when it comes to eating?

  • let-there-be-peace-with-foodPushing away your plate
  • Controlling your appetite
  • Resisting your cravings
  • Fighting with food
  • Struggling to make “good” choices
  • Avoiding “bad” foods
  • Mustering your willpower
  • Losing the battle
  • Love-hate relationship with food (I use this one!)
  • War with food (and don’t even get me started on the “War on obesity”!)

A food fight is the opposite of peace with food!

A combative approach to eating is counterproductive and gives food even more power over you—the opposite of what you want: Peace with food.

Have you heard the saying, “What you resist, persists”? As you attempt to push away thoughts of food and resist eating what you love, those thoughts seem to grow ever more persistent.

How about the saying, “Where your attention goes, energy flows”? The more you think about what you shouldn’t eat, the more your attention is drawn toward those foods! They seem to appear on commercials and your social media feeds, increasing your cravings for the foods you are trying to avoid!

When you’re focused on avoiding, fighting, or resisting your urges to eat, you are still directing your attention and energy toward food.

Could that be why food is so often on your mind and why the foods you think you “shouldn’t” eat seem to show up everywhere?

Let go of your struggle with food and find peace instead!

The way to finally find peace with food is found in another wise saying:

Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

What you may not realize is that the phrase, “Let there be peace” means that peace is already here, so all we need to do is let it be!

And that’s true of food too!

You were born with the instinctive ability to manage your eating effortlessly, without all the struggle. Admittedly, you may have forgotten those skills, but trust me, they can be relearned. In fact, the mission of Am I Hungry? is to change the way the world thinks about eating!

And there’s an a enormous bonus: When you relearn how to cultivate peace with food, you also learn how to cultivate peace in other aspects of your life so you can create more space to focus on what you really want!

This article has been updated from a previously published version.

Enjoyed this article? Here are three more to help you:

In Charge or In Control: Which Are You?

You are NOT powerless over food!

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